NoteTab Help Desk


Do you have questions that are not answered in our manual and FAQs? If so, please contact our friendly Help Desk.

We provide customer support by email on business days from Monday to Friday. We usually reply within 24 hours but on occasions it may take up to 3 business days. Please take into account that your urgent message may reach us in the middle of the night as we are based in Switzerland (UTC+1).

Answers to most of the questions we receive already exist in our documentation. Before contacting us, we suggest you first look through the NoteTab help file and our online FAQ. This will help you find a solution in the shortest time possible. You can also ask questions in the NoteTab discussion groups.

We reserve the right to terminate support to users who, in our judgment, are unreasonable or abusive or who have problems which transcend the scope of our software.

Technical support covers the following:

  • pre-sales questions,
  • installation issues,
  • troubleshooting unexpected behavior related to documented features.

It does not cover:

  • consulting,
  • product training,
  • help resolving unusual configurations,
  • freeware products (NoteTab Light),
  • help developing Clips, templates, or search tasks.

Troubleshooting software issues requires that you have the latest maintenance updates installed.